Intro 介紹:
A globetrotter with experiences in 35 countries, I bring a wealth of knowledge about ancient civilizations from around the world. Join me, and your cultural knowledge will surely skyrocket!
Language 擅長語言:
Chinese & English
Personality 個性:
Available Tour 擅長旅程 & Available Time 可預約時間:
【1人開團x破千人預約】臺中必玩,舊城小京都導覽 | 只收小費 Free Walking Tour
【防疫優先獨立團】舊城文化五感體驗,客製化舊城路線 | 10人以下親友 | 10人以上機關團體
MON. – SUN. 10:00-18:00
Cultural Treasure Hunting Game in Downtown | Minimum of 10 people
Biking Tour : Local market Foodie | Minimum Group of 4 people
TC TIME WALK 創辦人巨擘行程 | BIKING TOUR,在地美食&古蹟 腳踏車深度導覽
AT. 09:00-12:00