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Our teamKrisFree walking tourTC TIME WALKwalking tourWALKING TOUR TAICHUNG全安堂千越大樓#Taichung Tour台中必玩台中文化導覽台中時空漫步台中火車站台中領航員城市尋寶太陽餅博物館宮原眼科幸發亭文化導覽東協廣場櫻橋第四信用合作社綠川線上導覽繼光街Old town tour舊城小旅行Lily of the Valley Lane青草街Click for moreKris
Our teamRaymondFree walking tourTC TIME WALKwalking tourWALKING TOUR TAICHUNG全安堂千越大樓#Taichung Tour台中必玩台中文化導覽台中時空漫步台中火車站台中領航員城市尋寶太陽餅博物館宮原眼科幸發亭文化導覽東協廣場櫻橋第四信用合作社綠川線上導覽繼光街Old town tour舊城小旅行Lily of the Valley Lane青草街Click for moreRaymond
Co branding items【Books】The Two-Person Journey, what I Encountered Around the World That YearTC TIME WALKXU MING-YUANTravelWorld TravelClick for more【Books】The Two-Person Journey, what I Encountered Around the World That Year
Who visited us2022 金眉獎 : 台中市城市文化種子傳播競賽JINMEI AWARDTC TIME WALK台中文化種子傳播競賽金眉獎Click for more2022 金眉獎 : 台中市城市文化種子傳播競賽
Our teamClementFree walking tourTC TIME WALKwalking tourWALKING TOUR TAICHUNG全安堂千越大樓#Taichung Tour台中必玩台中文化導覽台中時空漫步台中火車站台中領航員城市尋寶太陽餅博物館宮原眼科幸發亭文化導覽東協廣場櫻橋第四信用合作社綠川線上導覽繼光街Old town tour舊城小旅行Lily of the Valley Lane青草街Click for moreClement
Co branding items【Exploring Little Kyoto with a 100% Turnaround Rate】: TC TIME WALK Brand Classic Tank TopTC TIME WALKTC Tank TopLittle KyotoLily of the Valley LaneClick for more【Exploring Little Kyoto with a 100% Turnaround Rate】: TC TIME WALK Brand Classic Tank Top
Our teamFinFree walking tourTC TIME WALKwalking tourWALKING TOUR TAICHUNG全安堂千越大樓#Taichung Tour台中必玩台中文化導覽台中時空漫步台中火車站台中領航員城市尋寶太陽餅博物館宮原眼科幸發亭文化導覽東協廣場櫻橋第四信用合作社綠川線上導覽繼光街Old town tour舊城小旅行Lily of the Valley Lane青草街Click for moreFin
Who visited us微笑台灣 | 融入混搭DNA,打造文創臺中隊TC TIME WALKWALKING TOUR TAICHUNG元宵燈會台灣燈會Follow the local expertsClick for more微笑台灣 | 融入混搭DNA,打造文創臺中隊
Who visited us台中李方艾美酒店將試營運 TC團隊帶高端旅行社遊舊城TC TIME WALKWALKING TOUR TAICHUNG元宵燈會台灣燈會Follow the local expertsClick for more台中李方艾美酒店將試營運 TC團隊帶高端旅行社遊舊城