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2024 December Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Nothing from 2024 年 12 月 15 日 to 2025 年 1 月 15 日.
Our teamCharleneFree walking tourTC TIME WALKwalking tourWALKING TOUR TAICHUNG全安堂千越大樓#Taichung Tour台中必玩台中文化導覽台中時空漫步台中火車站台中領航員城市尋寶太陽餅博物館宮原眼科幸發亭文化導覽東協廣場櫻橋第四信用合作社綠川線上導覽繼光街Old town tour舊城小旅行Lily of the Valley Lane青草街Click for moreCharlene
Who visited usTVBS |不只吃!深遊台中舊城市場 穿越百年風華TC TIME WALKWALKING TOUR TAICHUNG在地人帶你玩、小食趣舊城市場菜市場Click for moreTVBS |不只吃!深遊台中舊城市場 穿越百年風華
Cycling tour / Book tour now! / Food addictor / Old town areaTC TIME WALK FOUNDER’S EXCLUSIVE BIKING TOUR (Gifted a book that he wrote) | At least 10 participants required.TC TIME WALK#Taichung Tour#Cycle and food adventureClick for moreTC TIME WALK FOUNDER’S EXCLUSIVE BIKING TOUR (Gifted a book that he wrote) | At least 10 participants required.
Book tour now! / Online Tour / Old town area【Save on Transportation X Leap in Knowledge】Online Travel LIVE - Taichung's Three Marvels: Lu An's Architecture & Cultural Story Tour | Group of 4 or more requiredOnline TourTC TIME WALKTaiwan Sun Cake Museum線上導覽Click for more【Save on Transportation X Leap in Knowledge】Online Travel LIVE - Taichung's Three Marvels: Lu An's Architecture & Cultural Story Tour | Group of 4 or more required
Who visited us中國生產力中心成果專刊 | 線上城市導覽 走出國際寬廣無限TC TIME WALKTVBS中國生產力中心單車輕旅行Click for more中國生產力中心成果專刊 | 線上城市導覽 走出國際寬廣無限
Our teamChesterFree walking tourTC TIME WALKwalking tourWALKING TOUR TAICHUNG全安堂千越大樓#Taichung Tour台中必玩台中文化導覽台中時空漫步台中火車站台中領航員城市尋寶太陽餅博物館宮原眼科幸發亭文化導覽東協廣場櫻橋第四信用合作社綠川線上導覽繼光街Old town tour舊城小旅行Lily of the Valley Lane青草街Click for moreChester
Our teamMiguelFree walking tourTC TIME WALKwalking tourWALKING TOUR TAICHUNG全安堂千越大樓#Taichung Tour台中必玩台中文化導覽台中時空漫步台中火車站台中領航員城市尋寶太陽餅博物館宮原眼科幸發亭文化導覽東協廣場櫻橋第四信用合作社綠川線上導覽繼光街Old town tour舊城小旅行Lily of the Valley Lane青草街Click for moreMiguel
Who visited us台灣生活新聞 | 2021在地優秀青年創業家潛力獎biking tourTC TIME WALKWALKING TOUR TAICHUNG在地優秀青年創業家文化尋寶潛力獎線上旅遊舊城小旅行青商會Click for more台灣生活新聞 | 2021在地優秀青年創業家潛力獎